The Mayor Group

Javier Montemayor is a seasoned real estate professional with over 25 years of experience in the industry.

He has a diverse background, having been an independent investor, raised capital, and financed projects. Javier is an ideal partner for clients interested in buying, selling, and investing and those who want to build their international portfolio. He works with sophisticated clients who understand the importance of real estate as an investment and want a candid view of residential opportunities informed by decades of expertise.

Born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico, Javier's ties to Texas and real estate go back generations. After getting his law degree, he practiced for a few years before getting his real estate license in 2001. Javier loves working with clients with vision who want to enlist a partner in creative problem-solving to obtain a return on their investment. His extensive international network enables him to see the big picture in the market, and he has a knack for knowing where opportunities lie on either side of the border.

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